Monday 20 April 2020

Covid-19 and Museveni of Uganda

Museveni also known as Yoweri Kaguta Museveni having been a bush war fighter used the same strategies to contain Covid-19 in Uganda; He was aware that Uganda health facilities were already inadequate even in very crisis-less times.

Had covid-19 slipped into the Ugandan population, the whole country would have been in turmoil and perhaps no soul would have survived to tell the story.

Museveni used the cell system to control the movement of people and contain them in their villages where they could be monitored by the village council chairmen and if one looked infected could be reported to the relevant authorities for immediate help. also strangers could be easily detected especially along the  borders.

This in reality cost less and saved lives.

If the cell system can be used to control  a very infectious disease, how can it be adapted to the economic development of the country to propel the country forward.

Exactly as it works in the living organism. a group of cells make up a tissue. Different tissues make up an organ. different Organs make up a system. different systems make up the whole organism. As long as each cell is healthy, th e organism will be healthy. that is the  economy of a country should run. It is the most efficient way.

Hitler and Trump not cousins

Hitler ruled Germans

Trump ruled Americans

Hitler killed the Jews

Trump made Jerusalem the Capital of  Israel

Hitler banished God from Germany

Trump invited God back into America

Hitler caused the second world war

Trump ended the Covid-19 world war

As H is far from T

So is Hitler is far from Trump

And had they met


Trump would have trumped on Hitler


Who is my neighbor

It is the bee that zooms across my shoulders

It is the cat that crosses my path

It is the stray dog that looks at you wondering if you can help

It is the kid crossing the road oblivious of a coming car

It is the beggar on the street corner timidly stretching out his hand

It is everyone you meet silently passing by you as you cross the streets

It is the  the nameless person you  sit next to in the tube

All that your neigbour needs from you is

Hello, what a lovely day,

The Secret of Living For Ever Happy

Point Blank:

Know God

Love God in everything you do

Serve God only in everything you do

This will help you not to  worry about what people say about you

This will help you to stop fearing what people may do to you

This will stop you from the fear of failure in what ever you do

When you no longer worry of fear,

Your will be forever happy.

It will no longer be what you think you have that define your identity but the fact that you are in God's service and that he is happy with you.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Bad Leaders kill their own states

The God of  the Jews always punished them and eventually drove them into exile because of their bad leaders who disobeyed their God.The crimes (sins) of these leaders caused everyone to be punished. However, good leaders caused God to bless everyone. This was especially during the days of David, Solomon, Joash  to name a few. Could this be true for all nations?
 Presently, countries with corrupt leaders are struggling economically. This explains why most African nations are lagging behind despite the huge resources within their boarders. There is nothing godly in corruption ( a clever word for stealing).
It has been said that USA was founded on  biblical principles which unfortunately she has discarded. Pentecostal  American tele-evangelists are agreed that many USA policies are ungodly. That could explain why economically, USA is declining and will soon lose its military might.
Which country seems to be making it now? Israel. After 1948, it decided to turn to its God.Despite being almost a desert country, by sheer use of technology it is a leading exporter of agricultural products.
Could this be the secret for successful nation building?